Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Large numbers of illegal alien sex offenders released by Obama administration

On Saturday, Judicial Watch released newly obtained information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which contains a laundry list of violent crimes Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) officials were instructed to simply overlook when considering the deportation of any illegal alien.
The series of internal ICE memos which were disclosed due to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, not only contradict DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's claims that removing criminal aliens was a "top priority" but also proves ICE began their current policy of'prosecutorial discretion' nearly an entire year before ICE director John Morton publicly announced the policy.
The Obama administration's policy towards deportations was described in an internal memo from Gary Goldman, ICE Chief Counsel for Houston, to all rank and file ICE attorneysICE officials were told they could dismiss deportation cases against illegal aliens convicted of sexual assault, solicitation of murder, aggravated assault, assaulting a police officer, kidnapping and many drug charges.
On August 16, 2010I, Goldman wrote: "ICE Senior Leadership does not want their attorneys to merely fill a seat in immigration court and blindly prosecute every case handed to them. The current administration wants attorneys of greater sophistication, independence and complexity in decision making…"
So, just how many violent criminal aliens have been released by the Obama administration back onto our streets?
Unfortunately, the answer to that troubling question will continue to be answered in emergency rooms and funeral homes across the nation.

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