Monday, July 30, 2012

Feds: Latino gang targeted blacks

HAWAIIAN GARDENS, Calif. — A Latino street gang waged a racist campaign to eliminate the city's black residents through attempted murders and other crimes, according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday.
Five indictments charged a total of 147 members and associates of the Varrio Hawaiian Gardens gang, and federal and local agencies arrested 63 of them by early Thursday, U.S. Attorney Thomas P. O'Brien said at a news conference.
Another 35 defendants were already in custody on unrelated charges. Weapons and drugs worth more than $1 million also were seized in what O'Brien called "the largest gang takedown in United States history."
The indictments detail attempted murder, kidnapping, firearms, narcotics and other charges related to attacks by the gang, which is predominantly Latino and mainly operates in Hawaiian Gardens, a city of about 15,000 in southeastern Los Angeles County.
"(Varrio Hawaiian Gardens) gang members take pride in their racism and often refer to the VHG Gang as the `Hate Gang,'" the main indictment said. "VHG gang members have expressed a desire to rid the city of Hawaiian Gardens of all African-Americans and have engaged in a systematic effort to achieve that result by perpetrating crimes against African-Americans."
Shots fired into home 
The indictment alleges a string of attacks on black residents, including a shooting into a home with eight people inside. The indictment does not say if anyone was hit.
In another instance, two gang members allegedly chased a black man, yelled a racist epithet at him and then beat him with a garden rake. The same man was later repeatedly stabbed by two gang members, according to the indictment, which charged them with his attempted murder.
According to 2000 census data, the latest available, Hawaiian Gardens was roughly 73 percent Hispanic and 4 percent black.
Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Michael Gomez welcomed the crackdown, saying: "Honest residents should not have to live in fear of lawless thugs who act like it's high noon at the OK Corral."
The indictments mark at least the second time in less than two years that federal authorities have accused Latino gang members of attacking black residents because of their race. Local officials have tried to downplay racial tensions.
Deputy's murder prompts investigation 
The investigation of the Varrio Hawaiian Gardens gang began in June 2005 after the murder of Los Angeles County sheriff's Deputy Luis Gerardo "Jerry" Ortiz. Jose Luis Orozco, a member of the gang, was sentenced to death in 2007 for the killing.
Ortiz, 35, died as he searched for Orozco, who had shot and wounded a man while he did yard work. Orozco was later found guilty of attempted murder in that case.
"It was this hatred of African-Americans that may have spurred the attack on Deputy Jerry Ortiz, who was killed trying to arrest a gang member suspected of trying to shoot an African-American man in the back," O'Brien said.
-Associated Press

Federal indictment says Latino gang Azusa 13 targeted African-Americans

A federal indictment unsealed Tuesday accuses a Latino street gang in Azusa of trying to push black people out of the city. Authorities say it marks only the second time they’ve used federal civil rights laws against a criminal street gang.
U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte said the Azusa 13 street gang began its campaign around 1992, after a meeting of its leaders in the city’s Pioneer Park.
“The indictment alleges that nearly 20 years ago, the Azusa 13 adopted a racist principle to harass and use violence in an effort to drive African-Americans out of the city of Azusa," he said.
Azusa is a city of about 50,000 people at the base of the foothills of the San Gabriel Valley, just off the 210 Freeway. More than two-thirds of its people are Latino. About 3 percent are black.
Police Chief Robert Garcia said Azusa 13’s attacks included scrawling racial epithets on African-Americans’ homes and street violence that last year targeted a high school student walking home from a track meet.
“He was African-American," said Garcia. "Some young Latinos saw him, chased him, and basically yelled racial epithets at him, and attacked him.”
Animosity between Latino and black gangs competing for drug territory is common. It’s unclear why Azusa 13 might have gone further with attacks on non-gang members.
Garcia said recent raids turned up a lot of potential evidence. “Hopefully we are going to find something written or on a USB stick or on a laptop," he said. "Some of these guys have Facebooks. They do all that stuff. So we’re hoping we can find something.”
The chief also said investigators hope to find more evidence of a business plan the gang allegedly developed to control drug sales through intimidation and violence.
Federal prosecutors have charged six alleged Azusa 13 members on civil rights violations. Another 40 alleged members face federal or state narcotics charges.
This is not the first Southern California gang accused of racially- motivated attacks. The Avenues in Highland Park, Varrio Hawaiian Gardens and Florencia 13 in South L.A. are all Latino gangs whose members have faced state or federal civil rights charges for attacking and killing African-Americans.
All had close ties to the Mexican Mafia gang that imposes racial segregation inside the state’s prisons. U.S. Attorney Birotte said Azusa 13 did too, but he can't say there's an edict to local gang members to rid communities of African-Americans. That’s long been rumored, but never proven.
Another law enforcement source said it’s unlikely that Azusa 13 did anything without the mafia’s approval. With its network of supporters in and out of prison, the Mexican Mafia collected drug taxes from Azusa 13 and protected its members, the indictment claims.
Chief Garcia said his city has worked hard to address racial animosity in the city after reported hate crimes spiked in the late 1990s in part because of Azusa 13.
“We created a human relations commission. It's made up of community members of all races to help promote diversity and tolerance," he said. "We introduced programs in our school district with school-aged children to promote diversity and tolerate.”
Despite the bust, Azusa 13 may continue as a major presence in the city. Police estimate that 400 people claim membership.
The police chief and federal authorities promised to maintain pressure on the gang, and to continue the fight against its racial ideology.
By:   Frank Stoltze 

Los Angeles - Activists Want to Help L.A. to Fight Lawsuit on Vehicle Impound Policy

An immigrants-rights organization and a residents' group want to help the city of Los Angeles fight off a lawsuit by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch challenging the LAPD's policy liberalizing procedures for impounding cars of unlicensed drivers.

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles and LA Voice, represented by attorneys for the ACLU Foundation of Southern California, filed papers Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court asking a judge to allow them to intervene and help the city defend the impound policy in court.

A hearing is scheduled Sept. 25 before Judge Terry Green.

The suit filed May 16 by the Washington, D.C.-based Judicial Watch was the third suit filed in as many months challenging the policy. Plaintiff Harold Sturgeon of Los Angeles wants a judge to find that the department's impound policy is an unlawful use of taxpayer money specifically "to help unlicensed illegal aliens.''

But according to the CHIRLA/LA Voice court papers, the impact on immigrants would be disproportionate.

"In the past two decades, vehicle impoundments -- and in particular mandatory 30-day impoundments -- have had devastating impacts on working class and immigrant residents who rely on their cars to get to work, take their children to school and do all the necessary activities for which, in Los Angeles, a car is essential,'' the proposed intervenors' court papers state.

"Worse still, an impoundment in many cases amounts to a de facto forfeiture as the steep fees associated with a 30-day impound often exceed that a low-income driver can pay, if not the value of the vehicle itself,'' according to the CHIRLA/LA Voice court papers.

Law enforcement agencies have been criticized for using impounds to generate money and for targeting Latinos assuming they are less likely to be licensed, the CHIRLA/LA Voice court papers state. Some CHIRLA members themselves have been affected, their court papers state.

Angelica Salas, CHIRLA's executive director, stated in a sworn declaration that many members feel stops for even minor violations can lead to deportations.

"In addition, many of them feel disrespected and ashamed when the police stop them and make them take all of their belongings from their vehicles during an impoundment, especially when they have their families with them, including small children,'' Salas stated. ``In my experience, car impoundments are one of the main reasons why many members do not trust the police.''

Expenses related to 30-day impoundments run as high as $2,000, according to the CHIRLA/LA Voice court papers.

In February, the Police Commission, which provides civilian oversight of the LAPD, approved the policy to allow an unlicensed driver who is stopped for a moving violation, and who has valid identification, car registration, proof of insurance and a clean driving record, to avoid a mandatory 30-day impound of his or her vehicle.

A driver who was at fault in an accident, or had a prior conviction for driving unlicensed, does not qualify for a shortened one-day impound.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, who proposed the policy with the backing of immigrants' rights groups and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, said in May that the former policy was unfair to undocumented immigrants who cannot get drivers licenses.

Beck has said the change was also an attempt to eliminate confusion by officers in the field over two conflicting laws regarding when to impound a vehicle and for how long.

Between April 22, when Special Order 7 took effect, and May 8, mandatory 30-day impounds dropped by 45 percent compared to the same period in 2011, according to a statistic circulated by the union representing rank-and-file police officers, which opposes the policy.

LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith said he could not verify that, but police personnel were doing an analysis of its towing numbers.

"This is yet another example of the Los Angeles Police Department's unlawful use of taxpayer dollars to further Los Angeles' status as a sanctuary city,'' Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said in a statement in May.

"(The policy) is illegal and dangerous. Unlicensed drivers, whether unlawfully present aliens or not, are a menace to the public safety. The Los Angeles Police Department is once again putting politics and ideology before the safety of citizens, police officers and the rule of law.''

Judicial Watch's suit was the third filed to challenge the relaxed impound policy.

The Los Angeles Police Protective League, which represents more than 9,900 sworn officers, filed a similar lawsuit challenging the policy in April.

A third suit filed by a group of civil rights attorneys challenges the policy on different grounds, arguing it is too harsh because it prevents the owners of vehicles from getting their cars back before 30 days when another driver who is not the owner was at fault for the violation and impound.

The LAPD impounded about 30,000 vehicles last year. About 85 percent of those were for violations of a state vehicle code that mandates a 30-day impound.

The city has filed a separate motion to dismiss Sturgeon's lawsuit and it is scheduled to be heard on Nov. 9. Lawyers for the city say that contrary to Sturgeon's claims, the impound policy does not violate the state Constitution or conflict with the state Vehicle Code.

The city's attorneys also say the policy does not allow the release of a vehicle to an undocumented immigrant who is either unlicensed or ineligible to be licensed for failure to provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S.

You see how these invaders just show complete lack of respect for the American flag? This unacceptable behavior by illegals has got to come to an abrupt end.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

ICE Agents face critical decisions following events in El Paso

"Tuesday's incident in El Paso is unacceptable, as a union we must find a way to protect our officers as well as public safety in spite of the Administration's reckless new approach to immigration enforcement," said Chris Crane, President of the National ICE Council, which represents approximately 7,000 ICE agents, officers and employees.  "A foreign national illegally in the United States attempted to escape from ICE agents, assaulting and injuring one officer in the process, which is itself a Federal Felony.  Instead of being charged and held in custody, agents were ordered by ICE managers to release the alien without criminal or immigration charges, essentially granting amnesty under President Obama's new policies simply because the alien is a certain age, attending school, and residing in the United States.  I don't believe any American is asking for such an extremist approach to limiting immigration enforcement," said Crane. 
The alien involved in the assault and attempted escape was arrested and jailed by sheriff's deputies earlier that same morning and charged with assault causing bodily injury to a family member and interfering with a person attempting to make an emergency phone call for assistance.  ICE agents were following up on what prior to the Obama Administration would have been considered a routine jail check in search of aliens arrested by local police on criminal charges.  Agents allege that following the escape attempt, the 5'9, 245 lbs subject was pursued for approximately one block before being captured.  While the criminal alien was released without charge, agents were questioned before medical treatment was even administered and may face disciplinary charges from ICE regarding the escape.  One agent is medically restricted from duty for at least two weeks due to injuries sustained during the incident.
"ICE managers didn't even question the criminal alien but instead ordered that he immediately be released in accordance with the President's new immigration polices stating that ICE's mission now is to identify aliens and release them," said Crane.  "As an agency we're just checking boxes in an effort to release everyone we can.  Law enforcement, public safety and common sense are all out the window; officers are under orders to ignore the danger signs, even when they witness a possible felony assault of one of our own officers."
"We've been trying to get more details about the Administration's newest policies and give them a chance, but what we're seeing concerns us greatly," Crane explained, "agents and officers are being ordered to do what they know is wrong under threat of losing their jobs."  ICE officers and their union say they've made every effort to reach out and work with the Obama Administration, to include a trip to the White House to meet with high ranking Administration officials.  "After the meeting they just cut us off and refuse to communicate with us, it's disheartening, I guess we just don't represent enough votes to be of any importance," said Crane.
SOURCE: National ICE Council

USDA partnering with Mexico to boost food stamp participation Read more:

The Mexican government has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.
USDA has an agreement with Mexico to promote American food assistance programs, including food stamps, among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in America.
“USDA and the government of Mexico have entered into a partnership to help educate eligible Mexican nationals living in the United States about available nutrition assistance,” the USDA explains in a brief paragraph on their “Reaching Low-Income Hispanics With Nutrition Assistance” web page. “Mexico will help disseminate this information through its embassy and network of approximately 50 consular offices.”
The partnership — which was signed by former USDA Secretary Ann M. Veneman and Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista in 2004 — sees to it that the Mexican Embassy and Mexican consulates in America provide USDA nutrition assistance program information to Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals working in America and migrant communities in America. The information is specifically focused on eligibility criteria and access.
The goal, for USDA, is to get rid of what they see as enrollment obstacles and increase access among potentially eligible populations by working with arms of the Mexican government in America. Benefits are not guaranteed or provided under the program — the purpose is outreach and education.
Some of the materials the USDA encourages the Mexican government to use to educate and promote the benefit programs are available free online for order and download. A partial list of materials include English and Spanish brochures titled “Five Easy Steps To Snap Benefits,” “How To Get Food Help — A Consumer’s Guide to FNCS Programs,” “Ending Hunger Improving Nutrition Combating Obesity,” and posters with slogans like “Food Stamps Make America Stronger.”
When asked for details and to elaborate on the program, USDA stressed it was established in 2004 and not meant for illegal immigrants.

Read more:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Large numbers of illegal alien sex offenders released by Obama administration

On Saturday, Judicial Watch released newly obtained information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which contains a laundry list of violent crimes Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) officials were instructed to simply overlook when considering the deportation of any illegal alien.
The series of internal ICE memos which were disclosed due to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, not only contradict DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's claims that removing criminal aliens was a "top priority" but also proves ICE began their current policy of'prosecutorial discretion' nearly an entire year before ICE director John Morton publicly announced the policy.
The Obama administration's policy towards deportations was described in an internal memo from Gary Goldman, ICE Chief Counsel for Houston, to all rank and file ICE attorneysICE officials were told they could dismiss deportation cases against illegal aliens convicted of sexual assault, solicitation of murder, aggravated assault, assaulting a police officer, kidnapping and many drug charges.
On August 16, 2010I, Goldman wrote: "ICE Senior Leadership does not want their attorneys to merely fill a seat in immigration court and blindly prosecute every case handed to them. The current administration wants attorneys of greater sophistication, independence and complexity in decision making…"
So, just how many violent criminal aliens have been released by the Obama administration back onto our streets?
Unfortunately, the answer to that troubling question will continue to be answered in emergency rooms and funeral homes across the nation.

D.C. Passes Bill To Restrict Secure Communities Immigration Enforcement Program

Another attempt by Washington to restrict illegal immigration enforcement.
California to Pass Anti-Arizona Immigration Bill

California is so disgraceful the way it panders to illegal aliens. And people wonder why the state is broke. Legislation like this and the California Dream Act will have negative financial effects on citizens like myself.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Black Founding Fathers

And some people, think African Americans don't belong in this country. We have done just as much as any other group to ensure the prosperity of this great country. This video helps prove that African Americans are patriots too.

GA - College Ban On Illegals To Stay

Thank God Georgia is doing something to combat illegal immigration. Hopefully there's more to come from GA and other states as well.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

This Man speaks the truth. God bless Allen West and God bless America.