Friday, November 27, 2009

Don't count T.O. out just yet.

Over and over again I have proclaimed that T.O. is the best wide reciever in football right now. A lot of co-workers of mine say he is not even top five. They always bring up his off the field and locker room issues. Honestly, he is not a selfish player, he just wants the ball just like any other great player. This season did not start off the way I expected, but the past two weeks he has shown the doubters that he is still capable of putting up great stats. ESPN and other network analysts have said the whole season that T.O.'s career is finished and is no longer the player he once was. Now they want to say that he is trying to redeem himself. His game never deteriorated, he just had a horrible qb throwing him the ball. He also did not get the number of looks he has been accustomed to over the years. When he has opportunities presented to him he will capitalize on them.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

A.I. is not watched-up in any way, shape, or from.

Over past couple of weeks I have been angered by the media and their portrial of Iverson. They act as if he can no longer make significant contributions for a franchise. When he gets substantial minutes he can perform at the highest level. I don't blame him for not wanting to come off of the bench. At this point in his career he should not have to. He's a starter point blank. I don't see how teams like the Knicks who are in a re-building stage can pass up on one of the greatest of all-time. Hopefully some team will realize that Iverson still has the ability to lead a team deep into the playoffs.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Deadbeat Dads

Today I was watching an episode of True Life on MTV entitled: "I'm lookin for my father". I don't understand how a man can help create a child and at the same time not want to take responsibility for that child. A lot of my relatives and neighbors don't know their fathers so I am fortunate to have a loving and caring father. Brothers we have to better. The Black youth of America need strong and positive role models in their life. It takes a man to raise a child and only cowards do not fulfill these duties.